Marriage is one of the most intimate and significant relationships we share, besides our relationship with God. Marriage can be one of the most uplifting or one of the most difficult aspects of life. Our marriage ministry exists to help couples cultivate a healthy, lifelong marriage while intentionally growing in their love for God and each other. Whether your marriage is struggling or thriving, we want to help your marriage become all that God designed it to be.
Join A Group
We live in a culture that opposes almost everything to do with marriage. Now is the time for husbands and wives to grow in the essential truths about marriage found in God’s Word. Small Groups help husbands and wives to grow to be more like Christ together; and when that happens, marriages glorify God and become more enjoyable than ever imagined. Take the next step and connect with a Small Group or one of our premarital, newly married, or marriage enrichment resources.
Small Groups: This is a place where you can connect with 3-5 other couples to find encouragement, support and friends who will help you grow spiritually and develop a stronger marriage.
Short-Term Group: Does your schedule prevent you from joining a small group? It doesn’t have to! Join us for quarterly, 4-6-week small group topical studies on marriage that will help you connect with God, each other, and others in our church community
Short-Term Group: Does your schedule prevent you from joining a small group? It doesn’t have to! Join us for quarterly, 4-6-week small group topical studies on marriage that will help you connect with God, each other, and others in our church community

Marriage Resources Available

- Getting Ready for Marriage: 4-6 week relationship course focusing on the foundations of marriage
- Prepare Assessment
- 1:1 Pre-Marital Counseling: Personal 8-10 week course with another couple focusing on the foundations of marriage. Note: Getting Ready for Marriage or Pre-Marital counseling is mandatory for anyone seeking to be married at Olive Branch or by an Olive Branch pastor.
- Re-Marriage/Blended Families

- Conferences & Events: 1 year Marriage Cohort, Marriage Retreat
- Classes & Seminars: Marriage enrichment classes and seminars are designed to help every couple understand what a healthy marriage looks like and to begin to practice principles. 4-6 week class or a 1-2 day seminar. Suggested Classes:
- Emotionally Healthy Relationships
- First Few Years of Marriage
- Communication & Conflict
- Priorities
- Spiritual Intimacy
- Emotional Intimacy
- Sex & Romance
- Raising Children
- Play and Fun
- Fight Fair
- Celebrating Differences
- Blended Families
- Empty Nest, Doing Life with your Adult Children
- Marriage Mentors: Not all couples had a healthy marriage modeled to them. A Marriage mentor can walk alongside a couple and share wisdom and perspective to help keep their marriage strong. Prevention is easier than intervention
- Enrich Assessment with follow up meeting
- Books, Blogs, Online Resources:
- List Books
- HomeWord
- Focus on the Family
- Married People *
- Family Life *
- Right Now Media (Point to OB Marriage section)
- Gottman Institute – Link
- Foster Families
- Blended Families
- Financial Peace: Dates classes will be offered throughout the year
- Small Groups

- Counseling:
- Olive Branch
- Encouragers
- Crisis Help:
- Relationship Lifeline
- Domestic Violence
- Adultery/Abuse/Addiction
- Classes: Classes that couples can come to get tools and coaching so that their marriage can be reconciled, renewed, and restored
- Online Resources:
- Marriage Mentors: Couple’s in crisis usually are not near a healthy marriage from which they can gain wisdom and perspective when it comes to their marriage. One of the proven ways to help restore and rebuild a marriage is through mentoring. We offer a one year mentoring program where you will sit one-on-one with one of our skilled couples
- Divorce Support