small groups

We are designed to know and be known by others, and small groups are the primary way to experience community at Olive Branch and be encouraged to grow spiritually. 

Spring 2025 Classes & Next Step Studies

What Are Small Groups?

Small groups are gatherings of three or more adults of all ages and stages of life and spiritual maturity to intentionally make friends, follow Jesus, and make a difference. Small groups gather in homes, coffee shops, and other places where people love to connect.  

There couldn’t be a better time to start a new group! At Olive Branch, our groups meet on a quarter system that is approximately 9-12 weeks in length and most groups take the summer off.  You can find the schedule listed below:

FALL (mid Aug-mid Nov)  //  WINTER (late Jan-March)
SPRING (Apr-early Jun)  //  SUMMER BREAK (July-early Aug)

If you’d like to learn more please click on the “start a group” button below, of it you'd like to join an existing group, click on the "join a group" button instead!


The best way to join a group is to look one or two weeks prior to the start of the small group quarter.  You can stop by the small group area after one of the Sunday services, or you can search online (at any time of the year).

Use the button below to see what groups are currently available to join. If you don’t see any good options, then consider starting a group with a couple of friends or attend one of the five week Keystone Conversation studies that normally meet during one of the Sunday services.


It's a lot simpler than you may think to start a group.

GRAB a few friends, GATHER at a time and place that works for you (or even meet online), and GROW as you meet week after week to discuss the sermon, pray for each other, and do life together.


Who's the Ideal Person to Start a Group?

Anyone who is willing to be a HOST.  God uses people of all ages and stages of life to start groups.

So do you have...
  • A Heart for others?  
  • Ability to Open up your home?
  • Know how to Serve a snack?  
  • Have a willingness to Tell others about your group?

If this describes you, consider starting a group.

What are the requirements to lead an Olive Branch group?

If you want to open your group up so that other Olive Branchers can attend (not just a few people you personally invite) then you need to...
  • Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (preferably for two years or more)
  • A HOST must be a member of Olive Branch or commit to attending the Join the Family membership class within 90 days
  • Recognize the Bible as the authority for their lives
  • Preferably have been in a small group in the past
  • Have the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment to lead a group*

*If you have any current habitual struggles or moral issues (e.g., drugs, alcohol, cohabitation, etc.) that would bring shame on the name of Jesus Christ or on Olive Branch, or if you're facing a current serious marital struggle (e.g., infidelity, separation, divorce in process, etc.), then now may not be the time to start a group.

Do I need to be a "Bible Expert"
to lead a group?

Definitely not! The most important things that you need are a desire to serve the members of your group and to grow in your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
And don't worry, when you start a group the small group team will provide you with study materials, someone to walk along side you, as well as training.

Who should I invite
to my group?

The short answer is anyone! We recommend that you have at least three people to join you when you start a group, but those people could be another couple, a few coworkers, or just your closest friends.


Each quarter that groups meet a weekly sermon discussion guide is written to help groups discuss and apply the weekend message to their lives.  There is also a 10-15 minute mini sermon that groups can watch each week to get a refresh on what the sermon was about too.

You can also get a copy of the weekly leader discussion guide sent directly to your email by signing up below!