SMALL group
leader resources

As a group leader you're building a life changing community one week at a time.  
It's not always easy, but it's worth it! 

The Olive Branch Small Group team wants to support you as you strive to develop a healthy small group where people can be known by others and be encouraged to become more like Christ.
NOTE: To access group curriculum (physical or digital copies), please contact your community leader or Pastor Justin to receive access.




Sunday, January 21 & January 28



Sunday, April 14


Every small group leader has a volunteer community leader assigned to help you develop a healthy small group.  
These leaders have led a small group before, or are currently leading a group, so they know what it's like to experience the ups and downs of group life.  

They want to be a source of encouragement and support, so reach out to one of them as you lead your group!


If your group hasn't been through the Love, Live, and Share Christ studies yet, you are missing out!  

These five week studies are designed to help your group develop common language and a strong foundation so that every group member knows what it looks like in their life to Love Christ, Live for Christ, and Share Him with others.

NOTE: To access these studies (physical or digital copies), please contact your community leader or Pastor Justin.


If you feel like your relationship with God isn’t all that it could be, then the Love Christ Keystone Conversation will help you to grow in the depth of your love for Christ through getting more out of the Bible, prayer, and other disciplines.


None of us want to squander our lives, and yet many times we can struggle to know how He might want to make a difference through us. In this study we’ll help you identify and learn how to honor God in how you use your time, talents, influence, and resources.


If you feel like one of your weak spots is sharing your faith with others, then this study will help equip you to share your faith without being combative or disagreeable.


These four to six week studies are designed to help you grow closer to God and one another.   

NOTE: To access these studies (physical or digital copies), please contact your community leader or Pastor Justin.

Around Every Corner

This six week small group study explores the lessons from 1 Samuel 21 to 25 about how we can respond to whatever lies around the corner.

The Expedition

In this six week study we’ll be exploring how each of us has been invited to the greatest expedition of all, the expedition of prayer.  This journey will challenge and shape you, but first you have to decide to go on this journey of prayer.

Four Movement Family

Every family has a story.  How do you view yours? Is it inferior to another? Are there parts you don't want known? In this four week study we'll look at the good and the bad of our family stories through the lens of God's story.

Knowing You

Before you can move forward in your spiritual life you have to understand where you’re starting. In this six week small group study Pastor Greg explores will be helping you answer the question, "Who does God say you are, and who is calling you to be?"

Kicking Down Sandcastles

In this six week study we’ll be taking Jesus’ warning to heart in Matthew 7:24-27 and examining whether our lives are being built like sandcastles that can be quickly destroyed by the storms of life, or if we are living storm ready lives.


The labels we wear come from somewhere, but are they true?  

In this six week study we'll examine the labels we wear so that you can wear the true labels.

The Unsettled Life

“That is good enough.” In many places of our lives those words are fitting and right, but I cannot think of a worse mindset to have for the Christian life.   In this six week study we’re going to be exploring the places where we’ve settled for a lesser faith and a lesser life, and also look at how Jesus has called us to become unsettled and start moving in our journey with Him.

Wanna Be

God has placed each of us in our neighborhoods for a purpose.  He wants us to be a light for Him and to share Him with the neighbors that He has put around us, but where do we start?  In this four week study, we'll look at some practical ways you can build bridges with your neighbors.

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

God has placed each of us in our neighborhoods for a purpose.  He wants us to be a light for Him and to share Him with the neighbors that He has put around us, but where do we start?  In this four week study, we'll look at some practical ways you can build bridges with your neighbors.


See calendar for upcoming dates of mid-quarter gatherings for group leaders.

In this two week study Pastor Greg explores what spiritual health is, what steps you can take to grow spiritually, and the role that your group can play in this process too.


How to Help Your Group Members Keep GROWING Spiritually

In this training you'll hear from Jack & Lisa Jones about what they've done to help their group keep growing, as well as hear Pastor Justin teach on the stages of growth groups tend to go through, and more!