Aug 15, 2024    Stephan Oldham, Greg Harris, Brent Branchaud

The Rabbits are running all over the place in this episode. Join us as we discuss everything from End Times to Neaderthals, with some fasting in the middle. 



-Brent and his Terrible Jokes

-Stephan's First Impression

-Is the pre-trib Rapture taught in 2 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 5 and Matthew 24?

-Is there a difference between fasting and abstinence?

-How did they fast in Biblical times?

-Are we supposed to fast once a week? Between what times?

-What are your experiences in fasting?

-What are the benefits you've found from fasting?

-Did Jesus lie in John 7:8? (revisited)

-How do we deal with Neanderthal DNA and the story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel?

In Mark 1:41 there is an interesting variant in the text. What does this say about Christinas being mean?

What do we think mental illness is, and can a person with it still be a Christian?

In John 7:7-10, does Jesus lie? 

What do we do with Neanderthals in our faith considering we find 2% of their DNA in modern humans?