Your commitment to these initiatives will make a lasting impact on our local and global efforts! Together, let's spread hope, joy and generosity this Christmas!

Join us in giving to special projects over and above regular giving!

Fund the Future

The Lord has given a vision to:
  • Make disciples who in turn make disciples
  • Reach every home in Temescal Valley and El Cerrito with the hope of the Gospel
  • Open a new worship center at our Temescal Valley property
Learn more about the vision here.

Would you commit to taking these steps of faith, prayer, 
and generosity?

Dropdown fund must be selected  at checkout
"fund the future"

Global Outreach

Our commitment to the Great Commission extends beyond our local community. Each year, we commit $37,500 to support our global workers in spreading the gospel worldwide. To date, we have raised nearly $4,000. We are looking for 150 families how would contribute $250 each to help reach our global outreach goal.
Learn more about global outreach here.

Would you be one of those families?

Dropdown fund must be selected  at checkout
"global outreach"

Bridging the Gap

As we approach the end of the year, we anticipate a gap between our projected and actual giving, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000.

Your year-end gift can play a vital role in helping us bridge this gap, ensuring a strong start for Olive Branch in the coming year.

Dropdown fund must be selected  at checkout
"bridge the gap"


We've seen so many lives changed and transformed this year and we are regularly blown away by the stories God continues to tell through this community!
Listen and watch video stories from Olive Branchers!


IMPORTANT NOTICE: To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, do not file your 2023 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgment of your contributions from OBCC. IRS regulations require contribution totals in excess of $250 must be substantiated by written acknowledgement from the church. Statements are sent out at the end of January 2024.

For contributions by credit cards, in addition to receiving the OBCC statement, you must keep the credit card statement that shows the name of the charitable organization (OBCC), the amount of the contribution and the date of the contribution.

Remember, you must deliver your check on or by December 31st in order to claim your charitable deduction for 2023. Checks that are placed in the church offering during the service on 1/2/24 will not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction in 2023, even if the check is predated to 2023 or was actually written in 2023. However, under the so-called “mailbox exception”, checks that are written, mailed and postmarked in 2023 will be deductible in 2023 though they are not received by the church until 2024.